Experiential excursion - Sluňákov
The nature of the gallery's exhibition in nature in relation to the walk's objectives
The Litovel Pomoraví Nature House, a visitor centre of the Litovel Pomoraví Protected Landscape Area, offers visitors an environment that enhances the experience of people and the nature and landscape they inhabit or visit. The DPLP brings people closer to the overlap and awareness of their dependence on nature (from vantage points) and the subsequent internalization of this overlap in the intimate, meditative environment of artistically rendered "meeting places" (Garden of Eden, Forest Temple, Sun Mountain, Golden Spiral Fireplace, and now the Lookout over the Pond).
The LP's knowledge of nature is rather sensory and visual, through one's own experience and activity; the exhibition avoids extensive explanatory texts. This detailed information can be found at the Tourist Information Centre. The DPLP tries to evoke in people the feeling of coming face to face with nature, with what actually exists in the gallery in nature, what is available immediately, at a glance, what is immediately obvious, the touch with water, wind, earth. If I am attentive and am led to places where I can sit and take in more carefully the nature around me, ... I will see a duck, a dragonfly, a nettle, a dragonfly, a mouse, a beaver.
The projects highlight the experience of a physical "encounter" with nature, different from when it is simulated (imitated) virtually. In the landscape, these encounters, with different manifestations of the living, are a unique experience for everyone.
A pilot version of the walk was conducted on June 26, 2023 for a group of participants from the DeepEn walk meeting. The walk took place at the end of a busy program, the participants were tired. On the other hand, they were strongly motivated, thus responding to the activities much better than could be expected.
Description of some activities
- Pilgrims' Bridge (Pilgrim's Password)
Take the group to the Pilgrim's Bridge and have them choose one listed password/guideline to focus on during the walk. We will create a simple gate that will open for each participant when they say their password/instruction and they will symbolically start their journey.
- Garden of Eden (Place)
Participants will form pairs. One of the pair will cover/close his/her eyes and the other will safely guide him/her to a place in the Garden of Eden and let him/her get to know the place by touch. Then he/she takes him/her back, the blind person uncover his/her eyes and tries to find his/her place.
- The Forest Temple (Journey of Sound)
Participants spread out in the space and close their eyes. The guide or one of the group moves away from the group and starts to play a drum/kalimba (it can also be moved slightly) and the others have to find it after the sound.
More detailed description of the tour and a short evaluation of the pilot-run can be dowloaded here (Czech only).

Projekt Zkvalitňování environmentálního vzdělávání synergií vědění, zkušeností a kritické reflexe, inspirované skandinávskou a českou ekofilosofii (EHP-CZ-ICP-3-013) je financovaný z Fondů EHP 2014 – 2021 program Vzdělávání. Prostřednictvím Fondů EHP přispívají Island, Lichtenštejnsko a Norsko ke snižování ekonomických a sociálních rozdílů v Evropském hospodářském prostoru (EHP) a k posilování spolupráce s patnácti evropskými státy.